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2022-06-04 16:27繁星中文网




  There are all kinds of plants. There are tall trees, small plants, and long vines, and a cluster of bushes. Their leaves are different in shape, but only the green is the same. Make your eyes look comfortable and happy. Take a deep breath, and there is a subtle smell in the air. It's the leaves that come out.

  2. Standing on the bank of the riverside park, the willow tree yiyi, the river breeze, the feeling cool and comfortable! Walking on the corridor like the stilted building, the river of the plum river is the wither of the river, while the branches in the park are waving, the night is coming to yu mei. At the side of the pavilion, under the floor and on the lampstand, the young men and women poured out their hearts. There were some old people playing taijiquan from time to time, while the elderly women were sitting in wooden chairs and putting on the dragon gate.

  3, with national characteristics is river is a highlight of bing park, pavilions all reflect the national characteristics of tujia and miao, pavilions, with lanterns, pavilions with lanterns, embedded in the cobble trail on the ground with lanterns. The hidden under the tree-lined street lamp is YiZhanZhan lanterns, at the beginning of the night, hazy light light, like a shy girl, so affectionate, most likely to make people think LianPian, hand in photograph reflect with the moonlight, as if to the grand view garden.

  4A small water curtain came into my eyes. The cool water keeps pouring down and making a pleasant sound. As if they were singing an immortal rhythm. Behind the water curtain there was a big ding, standing still. Next to the white angel of peace, flying around in groups, landing at the foot of the footman, fixed the gaze. The eyes are pure and lovely. There are also tourists feeding, taking photos, staying in the meantime, feeling the peaceful atmosphere.

  5, step by step in the thick shadow of the forest, walking more and more as if I feel lonely only breathing with me, such feeling may be only the newly brokenhearted people will experience. Leaves on tree quietly fell asleep in the morning, the grass beside also in such a cool shade of a sweet sleep, I was the only Men Men caress with them, enjoy such a harmony.

  6, night, the residents along the green flag of paved road even home, riverside park is gradually restored calm, back at the trees swaying, the lights flashing, riverside park as an amorous girl, is amorous watched every visit to a citizen, face you don't want to leave.

  7, along the mountain path, through these green Spaces, I feel like a little beast, or a small animal that is good at running and jumping. Can travel in the thick woods, bipedal walking, can also be limbs to walk, you can also learn to the appearance of the monkey, climbed a big tree, under the eye patch, even can learn all kinds of animal sounds, roar, and unleashing a long simmering in her breast.

  8. Follow a path and enter. The two plates were thick trees, low branches, and green on their shoulders. Walking along, it became the path along the funan river. The funan river is still steady. The deep green river, see no waves. A dark green ribbon was lying there, soft and soft. The old man fishing by the river, gently throw the hook, sit on the river waiting.

  9The star park, by day, is no different than other parks. The night has its effect. Starlight park has a large scale, it looks like an eagle spreading its wings in the sky, magnificent, giving a sense of the atmosphere. Stepping on the steps, the famous monument is held in the arms and displayed on both sides. The so-called celebrity tablet is made of sand and stone. There is a famous person's autograph and palm print, or to use the tablet, reserved for the later generations of famous people to use.

  10Now, as soon as we enter the park, we can see that the park is still under construction. Because don't know which way, I had to choose one in arch bridge road, (the arch bridge looked more steep, I am afraid that when pushed the wheelchair downhill unsafe) to the pavilion heart, turned out to be a lonely island. Because the road ahead is a steep grade of stone, the wheelchair can't pass at all.





















  1、一位老人在压腿。左腿直立,右腿架在树干上,有齐胸 高。白发飘飘,老人该有70多岁,腰腿可真软。旁边有几架单双杠,两位50余岁的人吊在单杠上,一位前后荡动,身体几近水平;另一位双腿蜷起,翻前翻后, 反复不已。我心中十分佩服。佩服之余,又自我鞭策:这两年早上打拳,常常敷衍了事,看看人家,可不敢轻易言老。


  3、我游览过福州西湖公园,我难忘公园的一角,它让我深深地陶醉了。公园的一角有一个湖,湖水显得很平静,蓝天。白云倒映在湖水中,构成了幅美丽的画。 一阵微风吹来,刚才水平如镜的湖面立刻泛起鱼鳞般的波纹,在阳光的照耀下闪着点点银光,像撒满了珍珠一样。微风一过,湖水又恢复了平静。

  4、 我朝榕树对面走去。咦?悉尼歌剧院怎么在那儿?哦,原来是仿造的,是水上长廊呀!我站在水上长廊,发现里边有回声!湖水波光粼粼,清澈见底,像一只巨大的 翡翠项圈,环绕在公园四周。一只只游船轻轻畅游在湖水中,像是天上顽皮的星星,又像是圣母抱着自己的孩子。目光顺着湖水滑行,我发现,公园虽小,石桥却不 少。倒映在湖中,桥身桥影融合在一起,像一只水灵灵的大眼睛,一眨一泛的。

  5、公园里的两边,有一片碧绿色的湖水,叫翠绿湖,因为湖水 非常绿,绿的像被周围的绿草染过似的,所以叫翠绿湖。一条银蛇小路周绕在绿树红花旁。人们在这条银蛇路上晨跑,有的在路边的小树林中锻炼身体、打太极 拳……七点钟,我和爸爸恋恋不舍的告别了春色美妙的公园,去上学了。


  7、穿过小径,映入眼帘的是一片绿茵茵的草坪。草坪上,还有三处“生态角”。令我印象最深的就是名 为‘文化之旅’--的生态角了。这是一个由植物、水平台、水景的多样组合的休闲式庭院,给人一种自然,舒适的欧陆风情的体验:在芭蕉树树叶的衬托下,洁白的护栏显得格外的引人注目。在护栏的前面,是一块地面,上面铺着浅棕色的地板。在地面上,放着一张玻璃茶几,上面还放着一只晶莹剔透的玻璃鱼缸,在阳光的 照射下,玻璃鱼缸显得格外漂亮。茶几两旁放着两张天蓝色的躺椅,前方的花坛中植满了奇花异草。这种庭院,在我看来简直就是人间天堂了!






  1. Peach flowers do not want to spring, spring and autumn will be fragrant, and once the spring, she will wither. But peach blossom not regret, because she left, will let a lovely little peach hang on the branch. She took away the flowers for the people to admire, but left the fruits of others.

  2The heart of peach blossom is the hope and vitality of spring. It is the freedom and desire of march. She was the first to bring spring, and for a long time the spring stopped. In the moment of profusion, everyone will be moved by the last gorgeous, the peach blossom so decorated spring, there is a kind of beauty, the long lingering.

  3March, spring is bright, peach blossom "fight to open the leaf" blooming in the branches. Its fenfei is full of beautiful and beautiful, like a piece of red rosy clouds, and the green tree mother-in-law's weeping willows, formed the peach red willow green, the bright spring scenery.

  4The willows spread the branches of the yellow and green leaves, and stirred gently in the gentle spring breeze, like a group of fairies in a green dress dancing. The peach trees in the middle of the willows also have bright flowers, green willows, red flowers, it is really beautiful!

  5All kinds of wild flowers wake up. They stretch their backs and look up. They rush to the top of their lungs, red, yellow, blue, white, purple... It's a riot of colors.

  There are still some flowers, too shy to come out. A gentle breeze came, and then the peach blossoms fell down on your shoulders, fell on your head, and fell on the tip of your nose to make you drunk.6

  7Spring is really a time for flowers. Flowers are everywhere in this festival. Then they all stretched out their necks to enjoy the warmth of the sun; They all stretch their waist, enjoying the comfort of spring breeze. They all smile and enjoy the compliments people give them. Indeed, they give the feeling of beauty, but their outward beauty can not make up for the inner weakness...

  8Many people like spring very much, and then because it is beautiful and beautiful. When spring comes, all things begin to recover, especially those conspicuous little flowers, and there is always someone who loves to pick one of them and put it on the tip of his nose. "And the other one cried," spring is coming, the flowers are fragrant!"

  9, spring is a beautiful and lively fairy, everywhere will soon become the paradise of the colorful, light yellow, willow, very beautiful flowers, flowers and plants is full of vitality, not letter, you see LiuShuChang thin, tender branches, branches dotted with green leaves, very attractive, barren hills are covered with a green coat.

  10Spring in March, the spring is bright, peach blossom "fight to open the leaf" blooming in the branches. Its fenfei is full of beautiful and beautiful, like a piece of red rosy clouds, and the green tree mother-in-law's weeping willows, formed the peach red willow green, the bright spring scenery. Peach flowers have single, double, pink, deep red, pure red, white, red and white, and so on. The peach blossom is so beautiful that it dazzles people.

  11I like flowers, and spring is a season of flowers and flowers. The flowers that are colorful always smile more than the sun. You see, in the garden white as snow pear, pink flowery peach blossom and the spring flowers blowing the trumpet to open, the hillside is a cluster of colorful little wild flowers lovely.

  12, spring with the spring wind in the graceful dance steps with the earth, in this moment, every corner of the earth has become colorful. The fountain spit out a beautiful flower, and the shade of pink in the shade was gently waving.

  13Every peach blossom is actually a spring. Flowers bloom is spring, flowers fall is also spring, why must he turn? Let the spring go to, time flies, over tang wind Song Shiyu old romantic, the peach blossom, already disseminated the color of spring, only for a day of apr, in bright sunlight, free.

  14Spring in March, the spring is bright, peach blossom "fight to open the leaf" blooming in the branches. It was a beautiful spring day, and it was a beautiful spring day. Peach blossom has single double pink, pink dark red pure white and red and white color and so on. The peach blossom is so beautiful that it dazzles people.

  15What colour is spring? Spring is red. In the morning, a flaming sun rises in the east and spreads the cancan light to the earth. The sky is red, and the roofs and trees are slightly flushed. Then the peach blossom in the orchard, like a red cloud. On the hillside, on the rock wall, the azaleas smiled, a cluster of bright colors.

  16In the spring, red as the wood cotton, pink like the peony flowers, white as jade rose to open. Some of them are full of buds, some of them are budding, others are blooming.

  17Pink peach blossom, white pear flower, charming Chinese flowering crabapple. The small white flowers of the starry sky are dotted with pale green foliage. The stone flowers peeped out of the tangle of weeds and their pink faces were beautiful! The trumpet raised the crimson trumpet as if it were blowing a nice morning song.

  18, look far, the peach blossom of the tree is like a piece of colorful clouds falling in mid-air, there is pink, there is milky white, and the soft yingying is extremely beautiful! There is a pale green in the milky white, is there any green peach blossoms? See, oh, the green is the tender sepals, and the budding leaves are mixed in. Peachblossom petals are elliptic, with five petals. Some open luxuriant, that must be diligent peach blossom, and those who still haven't opened flower bone, must be lazy little guy! The flowers smell a little pungent fragrance, oh, I know, is the flowers too close, peach blossom angry.

  19When the mist was over, the east was replaced by a series of rays of light, golden and red, and the whole arboretum was covered with gold. With the gentle spring breeze, all the flowers are singing. The world of flowers, the kingdom of flowers, the verve of flowers. The flowery petals fall on the path of the marble floor. In the sky, in the air, at the foot, everywhere is filled with the fragrance of flowers.

  20, the pink haze is peach blossom, closer to see, each one is so fresh, so beautiful, like tender and delicate girl, like a kind and sweet fairy. They gathered together with an unquenchable excitement.

  21What colour is spring? Ah! Spring -- spring is color, golden daffodils, yellow flowers, red sun, pink peach blossoms, green mountains and green water, blue sky and sea... The color of spring is really colorful, no wonder the poet loves to sing the spring, the painter love to depict the spring, because spring is the world's all beautiful integration, all colors of the total.

  22Many people like spring very much, because the mountain is beautiful, the water is beautiful, the sky is beautiful, the flower is more beautiful. When spring comes, all things begin to recover, especially those conspicuous little flowers, and there is always someone who loves to pick one of them and put it on the tip of his nose. "And the other one cried," spring is coming, the flowers are fragrant!" A lot of spring flowers! Yes, there are many flowers in spring, but flowers are not only in spring, but spring is just a new look after winter. There are flowers in summer, and many people like them. There is a lotus flower, because it "out of the silt and not dye, the turbidity clear and not the demon." It is not the same as the profane, though it is in the mud, but it is clean. It has thorns, it is for self-defence, it does not allow the profane red dust to defile it. If someone decides to pick it, as soon as it touches it, it falls into the mud, "it is better to die than to die," and let it grow naturally. Flowers are beautiful, but still have personality, flowers also have their own free choice, lotus love to open in the summer.

  23The red flowers of the rose are blooming in the branches, the color is so thick, so pure, there is no color, just like a flame of burning. A gust of wind, the dragonfly wave a few, that how charming, like a girl in a flower skirt dancing beautiful dance.

  24The garden is in full bloom. Purple red rhododendron with a purple flower curtain! Then the rose and other flowers are open, they are feisty, fragrant and fragrant, graceful, graceful and graceful, making the garden fragrant and fragrant, so that people linger on and feel relaxed and happy.

  25In spring, all kinds of flowers give off fragrance, which makes me feel that I have entered another world, which is wonderful. The grass also breaks through the soil and grows to the fullest. Spring takes the cold winter away, brings warmth, makes the stream jingle, let all things recover. I love the flowers of spring, the endless green of spring. In the garden, I looked as if I could see the smiling faces of the flowers. I walked by and smelled the different smells.

  26, walking along the campus, only to hear "pa", a wooden cotton fell to my front. I looked up to see, the red wood cotton hanging full of branches, one after the spring wind in full bloom, good a scene of vitality. Then I picked up a piece of cotton and smelled it. Wow, it smells good. The fragrance is very special, the smell of soil, the fragrance of chrysanthemum, and the taste of ink.

  27Flowers are like human beings, like peach blossoms, charming and charming; Some people are like the cherry blossom, just as refreshing; Some people are as beautiful and fragrant as osmanthus flowers; Some people are like peonies, they are all dazzling and I am willing to be a spring flower in the spring. Unlike other flowers, they are just unknown to me.

  28, the branches of the spring flowers from the roots to a little, from thin to thick, like an arc. The buds on the branches are budding, the flowers are green, and how beautiful they are. The spring flowers are the first flowers to bloom, the long leaves, the branches, some leaves can't wait. Then the spring flowers, though not as showy as the roses, nor as alluring as the jasmine flower, may be the first to report the coming of spring to the people.

  29, distant past peaks, been people cut down trees, have strong out small head, sprout, and they are in the wind the rain pouring and caresses of sunlight to grow, a variety of wild flowers, and moist breeze to rich of pollen, the breath of spring grass, straight to the heart. No matter who will be happy and intoxicated. Relaxed.

  30Flowers are numerous. It is watered by spring rain, and the spring wind is bursting it. With the "wealth" created by the green leaves, it competes with each other, one here and one there. Red light "flame", powder of the "glow", white fragrance. They are the messengers of beauty, the elves of spring.



  1I love spring, love her endless spring rain. It was she who woke up the grass, moistened the willow, opened the spring flowers, and told us that spring was coming. The willows swayed and danced with the wind, and the primrose bulged the trumpet and played the music of spring.

  2, my hometown has a limpid creek, spring is coming, the stream awoke from a deep sleep, the clear river water singing cheerful songs flow to go forward, under the spring rain moisturize, wheat seeding grow more green, more golden rape. The fruit trees spread their leaves and sucked in the sweet rain. The young grass had come out of the ground, and the flowers had come out of the beautiful petals, red, white, yellow, pink, purple...

  3Spring is a time of blooming. The spring flowers are blooming, golden and golden, shining in the sunlight. Pink cherry blossoms opened, and also neatly doo-yan, a group of crowded together, as if to say something fun, best represents the advent of spring, the rape of volare, golden rape, bloom in the fields, a gust of wind blowing, rape flower fragrance attracted only hard-working bee, busy flying among the flowers.

  4, spring came, the grass in the field broke out, far from looking pale green. The tall white poplar on the roadside stood up in a green enveloping green leaf, which was full of vitality under the light of the sun. The weeping willows by the river were luxuriant, and the soft branches bent down, and the breeze was blowing, and they danced to their heart's content. At this time, I can not help but think of the ancient Chinese verse: "jasper make up a tree high, ten thousands of vertical green silk, I don't know who cut, February spring wind like scissors." Yes, the warm spring breeze has awakened all things.

  5Spring is coming, the spring flowers are blooming, and the golden flowers are like strings of wind bells. The wild flowers in the fields are open to the touch of the warm spring breeze. Look, the red, yellow, blue, purple colors are beautiful.

  6, the humble grass, also adds a lot of vitality to the nature, the grass is a green, a yellow, green is just out of the bud, the yellow is not yet green. () a little green grass head from the arms of the mother earth, looking out of the eyes of the new world.

  7, the roadside tree sprouted, peak green willows like each harmonica, wind girls use it to play out and rolled a wonderful song, and blue catkin willow branches, like a grain, hanging on the switch. The branches of the willow branches were so tall, so tall, so stout, like the sentinels of the prairie. It's also a spring scene.

  8I love spring, and love her cold and warm early spring wind. It was she who gently woke the earth, and night after night, the earth happily opened its eyes, and then planted the seeds of hope. Spring is the messenger of life.

  9Spring is like a green world. I am a swallow flying into this green world. I live a happy life in the green world. I listen to the beautiful songs, the fresh air and the beautiful scenery.

  10, I love spring, love all her energetic lovely creature, especially the lovely elf - the swallow, I often looked at the wire, because the wires on them, like small and exquisite on the staff of the notes, playing the spring movement.

  11Spring came, and all kinds of birds were flying freely in the sky, and chirping like melodious music in the air. The cute little swallow flew up from the south with a pair of scissors, as if to show us the beauty of spring.

  12, spring, also on the field, the bamboo shoots from to test out, breathing the fresh air, take a look at this wonderful world, willow girl out the bud, a breeze blowing, it waving long arm of the graceful dance beautiful, charming.

  13The white magnolia on the campus, or the flower bone, as if very shy, dare not show its smiling face to people. From afar, like a lantern, hanging on a tree, close to see, it is a flower bone! It was a pale pink and fragrant, a spring scene.

  14Good rain knows the season when spring comes. Yes, after a spring rain, everywhere exuberant, bamboo shoots, triumphantly from land out of the head, greedily sucking the fresh air after the rain, and slowly climb out of a little by little from the land. The leaves were green and green, and the trees seemed to have a lot of air, and they straightened their backs and stretched their foreheads. Spring rain is as expensive as oil! The land of spring is also filled with unique soil flavor, which makes people feel more comfortable.

  15I love spring, and love the first sunshine of her morning. The sun was slanting on the snow, and the snow was slightly pink. The grass shook the snow and gave the green of life to the earth. Children in the bright sunshine chase after the play, a sound shout, a burst of laughter, echoed in the spring that crisp and slightly moist breath, appears particularly sweet, beautiful.

  16, bloomy spring hill, a large special twisting yanko dance against the spring breeze twisted, crumbling in the wind, trees take out the new article, long out of the leaves and the flowers on the tree smile nodded, the grass is stretched himself from the wet land, played a yawn, then timidly leaned out from the soil small head.

  17, the water in the river is green, is like a green big mirror, the reflection of our smiling face, the little ducks and geese in the river of joy frolic, fish happy playing in the water, see the bees or as always busy and hard butterflies flying among the flowers like flower elves in the dance. The little black toad on the bank of the river was waking from his lethargy to open his eyes, as if he wanted to sleep a little longer. Looking at the warm plastic shed, the little leeks are sucking the dew and growing up. The rape flowers in the fields are blossoming out, giving off a rich fragrance.

  18The spring breeze is warm, the earth returns to spring, in this happy moment we are under the guidance of teachers to find the spring. The grass from the side of the road stretched out its little head from the soft soil, and visited the long and bright world. The wild flowers of all colors, like the shy little girl, slowly opened its sweet smiling face.

  19Spring does come. The weather is getting warmer and warmer, and the warm sun is shining on the earth. In the breeze, people feel so comfortable, so comfortable.